Getting Personal: A Little Bit About Me

I only have a few blog posts right now, and they are mostly related to social issues, or writing. I haven’t gone too personal with anything, mainly because when I first entered the world of blogging, it felt strange to share since I didn’t know the readers personally. However, the more I read, and post on WordPress, the more it feels like a community of kindred spirits. So for those of you who are interested, here is a little about me, and what is new in my life.

Where I Came From

I am from an extremely small town. Jasper, Tennessee; a handful of red lights, and not a speed limit over 55. It’s completely beautiful there, tucked away deep in the Tennessee Mountains. Although the sights may be rich, it’s a fairly impoverished area. Most people there work hard, for not very much, and there is a large drug problem in the area that drags the community down with it. The entire county has roughly 4 schools, so my class of 116 seemed huge to everyone around.

Some years later, I graduated from Marion County High School, and moved about an hour away to attended Lee University. I couldn’t get out of the town quick enough at the time. College was amazing, though. I had to work almost full time to pay for books, and daily expenses, but I wouldn’t trade the experience that I had for anything.

Where I am Now

12072592_880183532051285_4139181507018996501_nI am a newlywed, and enjoying every moment of life with my best friend ( I would tell you our story, but that’s long enough for an entirely different post). We currently reside in Greer, South Carolina, and he is a firefighter/ EMT. Even though Greenville doesn’t seem very big to its residents, it may as well be New York City to me.

My faith is at the core of who I am. The joy I feel, the comfort I receive in sorrow, and the many blessings I have been given, all come from the Lord. It is my hope and prayer that in all that I do, you will see Him.

Writing is not my full time job, I work in an office in Mauldin, SC. Although, writing is one of my largest passions. We had a bubble screen computer in the office of our basement that I would hole myself away in to write short stories and such. I kept writing throughout school, but always kept it to myself. I had been playing around with the idea of a blog for several years now, until recently, when I just took a leap of faith and did the thing. I suppose I was so afraid of a negative reception, that I kept everything I penned under lock and key. I am currently doing some freelancing for the local newspaper, and working on my first novel.

That’s just a couple of snapshots of my life. If you would like to connect and discuss blogging, faith, writing, or whatever else, feel free to email me at:


Thanks for reading!



2 thoughts on “Getting Personal: A Little Bit About Me

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for sharing about yourself. I enjoyed reading it. I’d like to know more about the novel you are writing–your struggles with writing it and your triumphs. Congratulations on your marriage.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing private issues, most people are obsessed with their privacy and even sometimes share more the stuff of other people than posting content that came out of their own mind, greetings!


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